
Your Brand TM

Preddy PR is a PR and marketing agency celebrating 25 years as a top firm in Naples, FL. Clients from diverse industries become idea partners for long-term, successful branding campaigns.




Why Our Clients Choose Us

Preddy PR elevates the brands of creative and visionary entrepreneurs through special projects and marketing and public relations campaigns. Its client list features blue-chip organizations and individuals who make a positive difference in their communities and among their constituents.

Principal Beth Preddy has 30 years of experience in Naples from public relations director at The Ritz-Carlton to 25 years at the helm of Preddy PR. Her career also includes a decade in New York City with luxury travel PR firms.

Preddy PR works with clients to define visions and achieve goals through a creative marketing process. Clients represent an array of industries including. hospitality companies, arts organizations, nonprofits, retailers, and more. A unifying trait of Preddy PR clients is the desire to exceed business goals while enhancing the quality of life in their communities.

So, now’s the time to start talking

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